Once Upon a Time

The truth is that I have no friends and I spent my time making movies with my little sister all break. 

Probably the crappiest editing job I have ever done, but what do you except when you have an impatient 8 year old breathing down your neck?


Sisterly Bonding Over All American Rejects

I'm a little apprehensive about posting this embarrassing home video but I figure no one really reads my blog except Anna and my mom (shout out) so here is the latest music video from Heather and Meagan Quandt.


So I feel that in the winter I get cold more easily than most folks. Its okay though because I have this huge knee length parka that keeps me toasty. What made me laugh out loud today on my walk home from class was the fact that I'm walking in the snow with my parka on, and then I pass a guy who is wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I think that only happens in Michigan. It cracked me up.

Today I have been walking a lot to and from campus. More than usual just because I have a weird schedule going on today. Its been nice though, the mile there and back in the snow goes by quickly when I am spending the time talking with my Father.

I'm praying for guidance. Patience too.

Go Organic

Regarding GMOs:

You are what you eat. Get Real. Put your money where your mouth is.

Farmer JC

I went to a concert last Friday that featured a few Michigan folk artists - I loved it. I've been diving deeper into their music and kind of collecting anything I can. Anyways, they focus pretty heavily on working the land and appreciating the life it gives us. I think that we are such a consumerist society that we often forget that our sara lee bread comes from flour which at one point was grain that was growing in a field somewhere. We drive in our carbon emitting cars to the grocery store and pick up a loaf prepackaged for us. 

I'm reading through Isaiah. There is a verse that, in the NIV version, talks about the sash of faithfulness Christ wears around his waist. I was thinking about how faithfulness plays out in my life. I think that the first thing our head jumps to concerning faithfulness is adultery in romantic relationships, but I was considering my lack of faithfulness in so many other areas of my life. My friendships, my school work, my goals, my relationship with Christ

Okay so here is where my farming and faithfulness concepts have collided. In The Message, Isaiah 11 refers to this faithfulness is such a cool way:
Each morning He'll put on sturdy work clothes and boots and build righteousness and faithfulness in the land.
What an awesome metaphor. I think I'm a consumerist Christian! Its so easy for us to reap the benefits of Christianity and our faith, but what about "working the land"? Faithfulness isn't just some easy habit I can pick up from the grocery store. I need to plant the seed of faithfulness, nurture them, and help them to grow. When I think about it, I kind of laugh, because in order to grow in faithfulness and righteousness you must be faithful. Ironic, but thats the circle I've thought myself into. God made creation to grow and provide for us. I often forget that looking at His creation is a great way to see real examples of His Word. 

One last thing. A lyric from a Lansing musician:
my father he taught me how to sew, told me that the land could teach me how to grow 


Some people have this light to them. You want to smile and be happy when you are around them. I was reintroduced to someone like that this weekend and it really made me want to be that way, too. I think I need to get out of my social box and shine some light into other peoples lives... shine some light on the people in my box too.

I think I'm going to start praying about this and make it happen.


I love spending time with old friends. They know you so well, the silences aren't awkward they are comfortable. Its easy to just sit back and talk without fear of first impressions. I really appreciate my friend who I can gorge myself with at a mediocre restaurant, talking about politics, theology, and boys. She rocks. And she doesn't hate me because I voted for Obama. 
She also taught me a coldplay song on guitar and my sore left fingertips are a souvenir of our great night.
God is good. 

I would like:

A magical land were the trees are forever golden like in autumn and the skies are always blue and the sun is always shining, except for the occasional thunderstorm that would roll over the sea and we could watch it from the shore coming in. Then I want the temperatures to always be balmy but not hot and I want the grass to always be green and the breeze always blowing. We all would take a lot of of pictures, play a lot of red rover, and make music together.

Lets work on that, yeah?


I told myself in August that I was going to really keep up with politics so that when the election came I would be prepared and be certain about who I was voting for. So I did, but I still have no idea who I am going to vote for. Its all about choosing the person I dislike the least... maybe I'll just write in Ron Paul. Tomorrow should be interesting.

I wish I had brown hair because I would have been Palin for halloween. I love her, but I love her as an Alaskan governer, not a vice president. But it would be cool kind of... it would be like our entire country had a soccer mom.