Dear Church, You are not the authority on everything that is of God. My tithe doesn't necessarily have to fall in your offering plate. I don't have to be a Republican to be a Christian, and I don't have to think that "The Purpose Driven Life" is the next best thing since french toast sticks. The projector screen is not necessarily the best thing to happen to worship since Psalms. If someone has had an abortion, it doesn't make them a monster. Even though I didn't spend my high school years in youth group - it doesn't mean I spent them binge drinking, doing drugs, and sleeping around. Stop being so terrified of homosexuality - Jesus loves them, too. We aren't above anyone else.
1 Corinthians 13:13 doesn't mention judgement, liability, or politics -
As I sit in PLS 102 and completely ignore my prof , while surfing the net and checking my email, I realize that I pay hundreds of dollars to listen to this man talk to me about Congress. I am beginning to think I should actually try and learn something. Maybe leave the macbook at home.