Modern Family

“I am brave. Scary movies? I’ve seen Ghostbusters like 7 times. Roller coasters? Love ‘em. I regularly drive through neighborhoods that have only recently been gentrified. So yeah I’m pretty much not afraid of anything."

I love it when my favorite comedies and PA classes collide.

Mark Weaver

From his Make Something Cool Everyday (MSCED) project

(Thanks Dylan for showing me this stuff.)

Everyday Superhero

I love Apple.
My story starts last August - when my computer screen started briefly flashing white (due no doubt to the terrible way I travel with my mac shoved in my backpack). The problem has gotten progressively worse, so I finally made a Genius Bar appointment.
I went in at 2:30, found that I needed a new screen, was informed they had the needed part at the store (!), that the technician could get it done by 5pm, and that it would typically cost 600 dollars but it would be free because of my three year Apple Care Protection plan (thank God I bought that).
Picked up my 1/2 new laptop at 5.
Piece of cake.

High Five

Sometimes I wait around too long for a truth that I already knew.

Praise God for his powerful healing and the blessings he gives me daily.

Cape Town

Please work out. Please please please please.
