"I am disappointed beyond words that the State of Michigan cannot keep itsSays GVSU's president Haus in a "personalized" email to me around lunchtime today. The one year I receive my $2000 for taking all those MEAP tests in middle & high school is gone. Why? - because Michigan legislature thinks that it is a good idea to cut one of the only good ideas our state has had in the past several years. In her last state of the state address, Governor Jenny brags about how the state is helping students.
commitment to you."
"All [high school students] are eligible for a $4,000 Michigan PromiseApparently we are taking steps backward on the path of progress. Didn't Jenny threaten higher institutions of learning about raising their tuition? That they were responsible to meet the needs of hurting families in this time of economic crisis?
scholarship that puts a college degree within the reach of every student. ...
That’s progress."
"First, as we accelerate our push to get more kids to college, we cannot have
them priced out of the market by tuition increases. I am asking Michigan’s
universities and community colleges to freeze tuition for the next academic
year. No tuition hikes during this year of economic crisis."
What of the states responsibility to students? Supposedly "education and training" is the second most important assets of Michigan's "battle plan" toward a better economy. Well, legislature is doing a great job on that one - cutting university funding, cutting student's already earned and PROMISED scholarships, and allowing back-door ways for universities to raise tuition (adding "fees" to every credit hour, wtf Grand Valley?).
As of today, I immediately owe GV a $2000 check. I am covering my state's ass while continuing to pay them taxes, which they can irresponsibly budget and allocate to other area's to satisfy our whiney baby boomers.