Soccer Mom

My mom is out of commission due to some surgery she underwent on Monday morning. Where does this leave me? How about driving kids to school in the minivan, making lunches in the little brown paper bags, cleaning the house, walking the dog, buying the groceries and running the errands. Can I tell you how exhausted I am? 
As college students we often complain about the late nights of writing papers, or the huge exams that we sacrifice our friday nights to study for - but this whole taking-care-of-kids thing is beyond that. 
Its mediocre, its mundane, and no one ever looks up to a woman for the way she drives her kids to soccer practice. Its not a profession or a career - its expected and unexceptional, life and love. I guess what I'm saying is that this little practice-run of mommyhood has given me some new perspective and regard for the mothers in my life. These woman are strong and devoted, and deserve some respect.

Go hug your mom, its mother's day on Sunday.