My head=fried. A kind of bad feeling is when your stomach drops because when you look at your syllabus to see when you should start writing that huge paper due in a while - you see its due tomorrow. Ouch. 10 pages-6 pages=4 pages to write in the morning.
Bad idea=going to a friend's to "do homework". Even if you all are completely on board, the fact that we are together means we won't get much done because we're such goofs.
Ouch=getting out of my car at 1 in the morning and completely wiping out on the ice. And then having no one around to help me up or dust me off. I wish I was 12 years old and my mom would let me cry about it and then give me a neon band-aid. We don't even have any band-aids in our apartment, we suck. And so does the food I've been eating (pasta, toast, eggs, and more pasta) that sucks too.