The problem with my public administration class is that in order to study, I have to research public policy, global problems, and non-profit organizations - and then I just get real interested in all the issues and then really sidetracked. So something that would normally take me two hours takes at least four.
I really really want to see this documentary. Perhaps I can add it to my list of incredibly lethargic things to do this weekend.
If you check out the movie's blog page - back in August they featured my youtube video, The Garbage Patch, which I though was strange, I didn't know it had gained that much attention.
Anyways - don't let private corporations monopolize a life giving public resource. Companies are making money off of something that many in our world can not even afford to dig up out of the ground.
"The water and sanitation crisis claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns." (
*stepping off soapbox, now*