A List

  • I am a paper-writing machine.
  • My googlereader is screaming at me because I haven't had time to read anything this week.
  • I hate psychology. God made my mind complex for a reason - and I prefer to leave it up to others to try and decode the mysteries of the brain.
  • I learned how to use a meat slicer today. Turns out an ape could do it.
  • Rock climbing makes me sore.
  • I pick fights with my best friend when I am crabby.
  • I am going home this weekend - and super excited.
  • Spring break is fuzzy - but what can go wrong if I'm with people I love?
  • This blog entry is really just an excuse to not write my psychology research methods proposal. I'm writing about art therapy to make things slightly interesting - if they weren't  I would probably just stick my head in the oven.
  • That was morbid, I apologize for my sick humor.