- Tuesday
"A persons a person... no matter how small."
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
"Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them."
- Monday
- Friday
That Effing HURT
I stubbed my toe today. It was the typical kind of "toe stubb-age" I cussed a couple times out loud ( a lot more in my head) and hopped up and down a few times, shaking my foot like that would actually make it feel better.
Then I put a sock over the bloody (literally.. figuratively too, I guess) thing and decided that I would deal with it later.
Its still sore, but I haven't taken that sock off yet.
- Thursday
Auto Bailout
The following is political. I don't know why I wrote it. I hate politics.
I am not one to follow economic politics. I'm usually completely in the dark when it comes to financing and economics. There is one exception to this, and that is the auto industry bail out plan that has been debated over in Washington for the last couple days.
Usually I view these type of bailouts as putting a finger in a leaking levy. Long term, its not going to do much good. In this situation, however, I find myself taking a different standpoint because it hits so close to home.
Being on the west side of the state, things are bad - I agree. The furniture companies aren't doing so great, and people are feeling it. What I would like for the West Michigan community to see is how extremely blessed they are in comparison to Detroit. Over there everyone is affected by the auto industry. I'm an east side kid. Always will be. When I was 16 my dad refused to let me buy a foreign car. More than half my friends' parents work for the auto industry. If you do not work directly for the Big Three you work for companies who do. We know what a coney island is and we also know what belle isle is and half the change is our pockets is Canadian.
Today, the bill for the auto bailout failed to pass. GM and Chrysler are said to declare bankruptcy and close down in the next few weeks if things continue down this road. This makes my heart race. It's scary because these companies have been such a huge part of our economy since the first Model T was built. Hopefully Bush will allow some TARP money to be implemented, so that the few who still do have jobs in Detroit can keep them. I can't even imagine what would happen to our already depressed economy if these companies shut down. It's scary, really.
Times are changing.
Oh yeah:
What is hilarious to me is the fact that Obama wanted Granholm working under him in an economic position. What the eff.
- Thursday
Jumper Cables
Dillwan from Heather Quandt on Vimeo.
- Tuesday
Buzz Kill
- Monday
"thats so hot"
- Thursday
Fakin' it.
- Monday