
This was my great idea today.

Lets leave the house and drive to Kroger in the all mighty two wheel drive mini van the evening after a snow storm. Then lets forget our cell phone while we drive through the gazillion feet of snow. Lets top that off and get stuck about 5 times before even leaving the neighborhood, and since I left my phone at home I won't be able to call anyone for help. That way, I will have to rock the van into neutral and push it out of snowbanks all by myself. And lets make sure that no one stops to help me so that it is extra hard. I bet I could push it back in reverse with one foot out of the van and one foot on the gas. Not too hard or anything. 


Another note: A certain company that makes things you can sit on in offices is craazz-heey. I'll give you a hint. The first syllable rhymes with "eel" and the second rhymes with mace. Got it yet? (Anna?) Does case even rhyme with mace?